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Date: 18 April 2024

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haniebny transparent wzbudził ogromne kontrowersje w środowisku piłkarskim karygodna oprawa młyna cracovii - ocenił dziennikarz serwisu weszło jan mazurekkilka godzin po zakończeniu spotkania cracovia na swojej oficjalnej stronie internetowej wydała krótkie oświadczenie w sprawie skandalicznego transparentuthe long-awaited competition to develop a concept for the redevelopment of the former "cracovia" hotel has started the icon of krakow's modernism is to be transformed into the museum of design and architecture and the model center for supporting creative industries what will happen to the building? what projects and how much interference with the historic building can we expect?the cracovia hotel and kijów cinema complex is one of the leading works of post-war modernism in krakow and one of the few so well preserved in all of polandconstruction lasted from 1959 to 1966, and some of the most prominent artists of the time had a hand in the creation of cracovia and kiev—the golden mosaic in the reception hall and the monumental decoration of the cinema were done by krystyna strachocka-zgud along the first floor facade was a monumental mosaic of "the city" by roman and helena husarsky however, the intention to demolish a valuable monument of post-war modernism remained unchanged the hotel cracovia pany campaign, initiated by the institute of architecture foundation, later gained a visual setting prepared by artist cecilia malikin 2016, the ministry of culture and national heritage bought the building of the former cracovia hotel from echo investment for use as a new branch of the national museum in krakow since then, preparations were underway to convert the hotel for new purposes a new branch of the national museum in cracow—the museum of design and architecture—is to find its home there, heralded by two exhibitions currently on display at the szołayski house—"cross sections" devoted to architecture (more about the exhibition) and "objects" presenting the history of designadaptation to such a demanding function as a museum will involve very strong interference in the historic fabric of the former hotelso what are the national museum's plans for the historic building? it will not be a conservation renovation—except for a small part of the representative lobby, the cracovia is planned to be almost completely demolished and replaced with a new structure

the rest of the first floor is to be reconstructed in accordance with the original cęckiewicz design and with detailing referring to itimprovements may be made—for example, the pillars on which the hotel part is supported may disappear, in the 1950s they were necessary for structural reasons, today you can already do without them decorative elements are to be faithfully recreated, such as the openwork composition of concrete shapes on the southern elevation of the restaurantthe biggest changes, however, await the hotel floors demolished in their entirety, they are to be rebuilt in a completely new structure under the curtain façade planned to be faithfully reconstructed, there will be not five, but three floors exhibition spaces will be arranged on two, and offices on the upper floor the general guideline is to faithfully reproduce the architectural detail, especially window divisions and profiles, proportions, articulation and decoration of the facade, first floor display windows, and color scheme, according to the original designthe jury includes representatives from the world of architecture and the investor among them bolesław stelmach, zbigniew maćków, marcin brataniec or przemo łukasik missing from this group are specialists in historic preservation or environmental issues, but also women the only one is benita strzałka-paleczny, acting as organizational secretary of the competition on behalf of the cracow branch of sarp submitted works will be evaluated in terms of attractiveness of the proposed architectural solutions, functional-utility aspects, application of energy-saving solutions, economic feasibility and anticipated costs of use and maintenance in the first stage, participants will submit study papers, from among which the jury will select three to five proposals to be qualified for the second stage we are expected to find out what the design of the new cracovia will look like on november 17, 2023—as the results of the competition are scheduled to be announced on that day

the first cracovia stadium - park gier klubu sportowego cracovia - was designed by franciszek mączyński and built in 1912 on the meadow "łąki zwierzynieckie" leased from the norbertines of cracow its construction would not have been possible without the generosity of fans who raised 8 200 kronen (the total cost amounted to 20 000) an additional training ground was also built nearby the stadium was opened on march 31 1912 with a match between cracovia and pogoń lwówin 1936 it was named marshal józef piłsudski stadium as the chief of state had visited the stadium at least twice - in 1917 he watched cracovia face the team of polish 1st legions infantry regiment, and four years later cracovia's game against hungarian vasas after world war ii the stadium was named in honour of edward cetnarowski - the club's legendary director who was also a co-founder and director of the polish football association (pzpn) in the late 1940s both of the names were removed from the club's documents and building in the 1960s a wooden stand burned down in fire and the rebuilding of the stadium began in 1966 a cycling track and an all-seater stand were built in the years 1968-1969 tennis courts, where a summer cinema and an amusement park used to be located, were done away with by late 2010 a new construction was raised in its placedesigner:the consortium of polish and spanish architectural companies, estudio lamela spageneral constructor: the consortium of german alpine bau deutschland ag, austrian alpine bau gmbh, polish alpine construction polska sp the lot is bordered by kraszewskiego street to the west, focha street to the north, kałuży street to the east, and zwierzyniec buildings to the south the arena is still located in the central part of the plot but it is parallel to focha street, which did not exist in 1911 when the land was allotted

in the future an indoor sports arena will adjoin the south-east corner there are in here two box offices and street furniture (benches, street lamps) right by the stadium there is a two and a half metre high, removable fence with turnstiles and exit gates all entrances on the eastern side lead to the east hallway a big sign cracovia is placed in the eastern façade of the stadium there are two side roads which connect kałuży street with the car park - the shorter one is an exit road the entry road connects kałuży street with the way to the back-up facilities in the future in place of the parking area there will be an entrance to the underground car park most of the entrances on the western side lead to the west hallway, with the exception of the last ones from the south they lead to the technical and storage area, and to staircases leading to the section g foyer, section h foyer and sky-box foyer a big sign cracovia is placed in the western façade of the stadiumto the north of the stadium there is a fenced-in area for the visiting supporters there is no separate car park for the bus of the visiting supporters they ought to get off at the bus stop next to the stadium on focha street, proceed straight to one of the six turnstiles in order to enter the premises and head to the visiting team fans foyerthere is a green area at the corner of focha street and kraszewskiego street where stadium grass is being grown

it was intended for visiting supporters but it is neither fenced nor in any way connected to the area reserved for the visiting team fans it runs in a wide arc along the borders of the plot, around the planned indoor arena on the side of the road there are parking spaces for players, coaching staff and administrators (total of 31 seats) there are also spaces for broadcast vans (4) and visiting team buses (4) counting from kałuży street those are: a vip entrance, entrance to the eastern escape stairs (there is also an elevator), players entrance, media entrance and garage entrance another entrance leads to the western escape stairs casino cracovia there is a tunnel to the pitch, whose side corridor leads to a technical and storage area, storage units and hit casino cracoviaalong the boundaries of the plot runs a three-and-a-half-metre clinker brick wall what is interesting, under an agreement entered into by the city of cracow and seraphic sisters the wall does not run exactly along the border of the property but three metres farther and so the green belt is outside the stadium area the distance between sidelines and the stands varies from 6 metres (by the north stand), through 8 metres (east and south stands) up to 10 metres (west stand) it is a natural grass pitch (there is a green area at the corner of the west square where stadium grass is being grown) and the ground around the pitch is of synthetic grass and cobblestone the players benches are situated by the south stand and cut into the vip area cracovia bench is on the right side of the entrance, while to the left there are benches for a polish football association delegate and visiting team players the first row of seats is on the ledge 70 cm above the turf there is a low (110 cm) railing which protect fans from falling down

the players entrance is located centrally in the middle of the vip sector players run out onto the pitch through a retractable tunnel vehicle entrance (from road to the back-up facilities) is situated near the corner flag in the south-western corner of the field stairs leading from the stands to the pitch can be found around the entire pitch - it goes without saying that the fans are not allowed to use themcracovia stadium consists of four stands: west stand (by kraszewskiego st) and south stand  (road to the back-up facilities) they are respectively 14, 10, 12 and 19 metres (about 46, 33, 39, 62 ft) high the stadium is compact in structure and so it is not possible to see the division into particular stands from the outside the area under the stands was designed as a vendor space it consists of up to 6 floors: -1 (underground), 0 (ground floor) and the following ones: 1, 2, 3 and 4there are 493 rooms here with a surface area of more than 16 000 square metres (19135 yd2) the stands are steep and the aisles narrow, which allows for almost 100% of the seats to be no farther from the centre spot than 90 metres (about 295 ft) - borderline distance considered to be optimal for watching football games it gives all of the fans uninterrupted view and great visibility, something that is not possible to achieve with bigger stadiums the stands are slightly above the pitch, from which they are separated with a railing 13 853 seats are for the cracovia fans and 1 057 for the visiting supporters - it is over 7% of the seats in the stadium which is about 306 more than the required 5%

the commercial zone is situated under the north stand and stretches along focha street it is comprised of seven commercial units of different size, each with its own entrance directly on focha street there is a plan to open cafés in the units on the two ends, and shops and other commercial facilities in the remaining ones each of the unit is a two-level - the first floor can be reached via staircase, separate for every propertycracovia stadium was designed so that it could host concerts and other entertainment events during football matches the stage area is simply a rectangular hallway under the stand, connected with the adjacent west hallway with two passages there are not any additional rooms in here, just two entrances leading to sector ibefore concerts the tribunes above the stage area are removed (to be more exact 11 lower rows in the central part of west stand) the special structure allows for their complete disassembly, which takes no more than a few hours this creates room for the proper stage, where you can freely construct sets the roof over the stand protects the equipment from rain, but if necessary, there is also a possibility of adding an additional roof over the front of the stage for the duration of concerts the pitch needs to be covered over to protect the turf from being downtroddenthe disabled are allocated seats in the +2 tier which stretches along the east stand the sector for the disabled fans is a long corridor with wheelchair spaces and pa seats adjacent it is separated from sectors b and d with a railing and divided in the middle by a glass atrium, in which there are two lifts you can take to get to the east hallway and fan shop

in the atrium there is a first aid room and a small bar with a low counter the bar serves sandwiches, salads, popcorn, beverages the restrooms are located at the ends of the corridors at the south end there is an extra lift and a service entrance which allows one to get to the office space zone, the command centre, or go downstairsthe vip foyer is located in the +2 tier and is accessible by stairs from the vip lobby it is divided into three zones depending on their function the part farthest away from the pitch is a relaxation area as it is furnished with comfortable sofas the part closest to the pitch is equipped with tables and serves as a café-restaurant to the west end there is an entrance to the kitchen, where dishes for the vip and sky box fans are prepared nearby there is an entrance to the staircase, which connects, among others, the upper and lower press zone, and leads to sky box foyer the restrooms are located by the stairs at the eastern end of the foyer the vip guests get to the vip sector through one of the four sliding glass doorsthere are 26 luxury suites located in the midsection of the stadium grandstand, in the +2 tier each box consists of a room and an adjoining bathroom there is possibility of furnishing the room with conference or banquet tables

there are glass panels from the side of the pitch and every box has an adjacent separate tribune with three rows of vip seats depending on the size of the box the number of seats varies from 12, though 15 and 18 to 30 each suite has its very own entrance from the sky box foyerthe press zone on level 0 has a separate entrance leading from the road to the back-up facilities, and a reception desk the first one is a press conference room with platforms in the front - for those responding to questions during a conference - and in the back - for tv cameras the second room is used by journalists, it was furnished with desks in order to facilitate journalists' work journalists can spend time before and after the game in the lower press zone they can watch the match form the upper press zone, which is easily accessible by lift or stairsthe upper press zone is located in the +4 tier that is the highest in the stadium it is connected with the lower press zone by an elevator and stairs what is more, it has access to two other staircases the zone is a vast gallery above the last row of sectors f and h there are 25 three-person boxes for radio and television commentators newspapers journalists seat below in four top rows of tribune f, which can be entered by two doors 50 of those seats contain desktops which facilitate writing match reports

the two other platforms for the camera men are situated in the centre of the west stand and the east standthe cracovia stadium is situated on the southern edge of błonia park and you can enter particular sectors of the stadium from kałuży street or kraszewskiego street you are allowed to park your vehicle on the side of nearby roads, but keep in mind that from monday till friday from 10 a you can also leave your car in the national museum underground parking garage (entrance from mickiewicza street)when you get off the plane at the john paul ii international airport kraków-balice, it is easiest to get to the cracovia stadium via public transport every twenty minutes bus number 292 leaves from the airport (bus stop "kraków airport") and stops by the cracovia stadium ("cracovia błonia") below you can see which buses and which tram will take you to the stadium124, 144, 152, 164, 169, 173, 179, 194, 292, 304, 409, 424, 503, 601, 605, 608, 611, 902 (bus stop "cracovia"), 109, 134, 502, 504 ("cracovia stadion"),after arriving at kraków główny railway station, take a bus from one of the two nearby stops buses 124 and 152 from "dworzec główny" and bus 292 from "dworzec główny wschód" will take you directly to the ground

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19 April 2024

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Historia tej miejscowości sięga okresu wczesnego średniowiecza, kiedy to była wsią rybacką

Historia tej miejscowości sięga okresu wczesnego średniowiecza, kiedy to była wsią rybacką

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Zaletą tej miejscowości jest bliska odległość od Londynu. Historia tej miejscowości sięga okresu wczesnego średniowiecza, kiedy to była wsią rybacką

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Jest to idealne miejsce na krótki urlop nad morzem, ze względu na bliską odległość Brighton od Londynu

19 April 2024

Jest to idealne miejsce na krótki urlop nad morzem, ze względu na bliską odległość Brighton od Londynu. Zaletą tej miejscowości jest bliska odległość od Londynu

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These suites comprise two rooms: a living room and a bedroom. Pliki cookie pozwalają nam ustalić m

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Located in the heart of Warsaws picturesque Old Town, in the breathtaking sixteen century townhouse of the Kościelski family, the Castle Inn is in itself a true work of art

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The unique design of these suites is a subtle combination of modern elegance and tradition. Due to the layout of the palace, the rooms vary in size from 27 to 42m2