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Date: 18 April 2024

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18 April 2024

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- Politically exposed persons (PEP)* are understood by natural persons holding a significant position or performing significant public functions, including:• Heads of state, heads of government, ministers, deputy ministers, secretaries of state, undersecretaries of state, including the President of the Republic of Poland, the Prime Minister and the vice-president of the Council of Ministers,• Members of the parliament or similar legislative bodies, including deputies and senators,• Members of the management bodies of political parties,• Members of supreme courts, constitutional tribunals and other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to appeal, except extraordinary procedures, including judges of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Tribunal, Supreme Administrative, Court, provincial administrative courts and judges of appeal courts,• Members of courts of auditors or central bank management, including the President and members of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland,• Ambassadors, charges d’affaires and senior officers of the armed forces,• Members of administrative, management or supervisory bodies of state-owned enterprises, including directors of state-owned enterprises and members of management boards and supervisory boards of companies with State Treasury shareholdings, in which more than half of shares or stocks belong to the State Treasury or other state legal persons,• Directors, deputy directors and members of organs of international organisations or persons holding equivalent functions in these organisations,• General directors in offices of supreme and central state bodies, general directors of provincial offices and heads of regional offices of governmental special administration bodies

- Politically exposed persons (PEP)* are understood by natural persons holding a significant position or performing significant public functions, including:• Heads of state, heads of government, ministers, deputy ministers, secretaries of state, undersecretaries of state, including the President of the Republic of Poland, the Prime Minister and the vice-president of the Council of Ministers,• Members of the parliament or similar legislative bodies, including deputies and senators,• Members of the management bodies of political parties,• Members of supreme courts, constitutional tribunals and other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to appeal, except extraordinary procedures, including judges of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Tribunal, Supreme Administrative, Court, provincial administrative courts and judges of appeal courts,• Members of courts of auditors or central bank management, including the President and members of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland,• Ambassadors, charges d’affaires and senior officers of the armed forces,• Members of administrative, management or supervisory bodies of state-owned enterprises, including directors of state-owned enterprises and members of management boards and supervisory boards of companies with State Treasury shareholdings, in which more than half of shares or stocks belong to the State Treasury or other state legal persons,• Directors, deputy directors and members of organs of international organisations or persons holding equivalent functions in these organisations,• General directors in offices of supreme and central state bodies, general directors of provincial offices and heads of regional offices of governmental special administration bodies

18 April 2024

- Politically exposed persons (PEP)* are understood by natural persons holding a significant position or performing significant public functions, including:Heads of state, heads of government, ministers, deputy ministers, secretaries of state, undersecretaries of state, including the President of the Republic of Poland, the Prime Minister and the vice-president of the Council of Ministers,Members of supreme courts, constitutional tribunals and other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to appeal, except extraordinary procedures, including judges of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Tribunal, Supreme Administrative, Court, provincial administrative courts and judges of appeal courts,Members of administrative, management or supervisory bodies of state-owned enterprises, including directors of state-owned enterprises and members of management boards and supervisory boards of companies with State Treasury shareholdings, in which more than half of shares or stocks belong to the State Treasury or other state legal persons,Natural persons who are the ultimate beneficiary owner of legal persons, organisational units without legal personality or trusts jointly with a politically exposed person or maintaining with such a person other close relations related to the conducted business activity,Natural persons who are the sole ultimate beneficiary owner of legal persons, unincorporated organisational units or trusts, which are known to have been established in order to obtain an effective advantage for a politically exposed person. - Politically exposed persons (PEP)* are understood by natural persons holding a significant position or performing significant public functions, including:• Heads of state, heads of government, ministers, deputy ministers, secretaries of state, undersecretaries of state, including the President of the Republic of Poland, the Prime Minister and the vice-president of the Council of Ministers,• Members of the parliament or similar legislative bodies, including deputies and senators,• Members of the management bodies of political parties,• Members of supreme courts, constitutional tribunals and other high-level judicial bodies whose decisions are not subject to appeal, except extraordinary procedures, including judges of the Supreme Court, Constitutional Tribunal, Supreme Administrative, Court, provincial administrative courts and judges of appeal courts,• Members of courts of auditors or central bank management, including the President and members of the Management Board of the National Bank of Poland,• Ambassadors, charges d’affaires and senior officers of the armed forces,• Members of administrative, management or supervisory bodies of state-owned enterprises, including directors of state-owned enterprises and members of management boards and supervisory boards of companies with State Treasury shareholdings, in which more than half of shares or stocks belong to the State Treasury or other state legal persons,• Directors, deputy directors and members of organs of international organisations or persons holding equivalent functions in these organisations,• General directors in offices of supreme and central state bodies, general directors of provincial offices and heads of regional offices of governmental special administration bodies

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W ten sposób mogły zaspokajać wyrafinowane gusta najwytworniejszej klienteli

18 April 2024

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Will I be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing? The Controller do not take any decisions in the automated manner, including profiling

Will I be subject to a decision based solely on automated processing? The Controller do not take any decisions in the automated manner, including profiling

18 April 2024

We are currently one of the biggest casino operators in Poland functioning under the brand name „Cristal Casino”. Data protection officer of the Company can be contacted at the Company\\'s contact address or at the email address: iod@casino-polska

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Zawarte w niej rekomendacje wskazywały jako najlepsze rozwiązanie powołanie przez miasto spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, która będzie wnioskować o środki na budowę Inkubatora do Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego

Zawarte w niej rekomendacje wskazywały jako najlepsze rozwiązanie powołanie przez miasto spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, która będzie wnioskować o środki na budowę Inkubatora do Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego

18 April 2024

Zawarte w niej rekomendacje wskazywały jako najlepsze rozwiązanie powołanie przez miasto spółki z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością, która będzie wnioskować o środki na budowę Inkubatora do Wielkopolskiego Regionalnego Programu Operacyjnego.



18 April 2024


Już na początku 2008 roku została zaprezentowana „Analiza możliwości, potencjału i zapotrzebowania na utworzenie Inkubatora w Lesznie”, która wskazała jednoznacznie na potrzebę powstania w Lesznie Inkubatora Przedsiębiorczości, zarządzanego przez wydzielony podmiot

Już na początku 2008 roku została zaprezentowana „Analiza możliwości, potencjału i zapotrzebowania na utworzenie Inkubatora w Lesznie”, która wskazała jednoznacznie na potrzebę powstania w Lesznie Inkubatora Przedsiębiorczości, zarządzanego przez wydzielony podmiot

18 April 2024

Już na początku 2008 roku została zaprezentowana „Analiza możliwości, potencjału i zapotrzebowania na utworzenie Inkubatora w Lesznie”, która wskazała jednoznacznie na potrzebę powstania w Lesznie Inkubatora Przedsiębiorczości, zarządzanego przez wydzielony podmiot. W dniu 26 lutego 2009 roku Rada Miejska Leszna podjęła uchwałę w sprawie utworzenia Inkubatora przedsiębiorczości w Strefie Inwestycyjnej IDEA oraz zobowiązała Prezydenta Miasta Leszna do pozyskania na ten cel środków z funduszy strukturalnych Unii Europejskiej



18 April 2024
